Who we are

Founded in 2003 by Lesley Croskery, with over 25 years experience, a love for Africa and a passion for doing great qualitative research, in person and online.

What we do

Tailored qualitative research that is always hands on, done with integrity, sensitivity, insight and enthusiasm.

What we think

As qualitative researchers we observe, engage and work hard to get under the skin of the people we chat to and research.

Chat to us

Please get in touch if you’d like to find out more about what we do or how we can help to guide your business.

Who we are

In Focus Qualitative Research is a boutique qualitative research agency, based in Cape Town, South Africa.

Having worked in large research agency environments in both the UK and South Africa, founder Lesley Croskery wanted to be more hands through all stages of a project. So In Focus Qualitative Research was established in 2003 in order to avoid the ‘sausage-machine’ approach of some of the larger market research companies towards qualitative research.

What we do

We are a full service qualitative research agency. This involves discussing your specific research needs and working from a research brief to recommend an appropriate way forward, conducting both fieldwork and detailed analysis, and reporting back with solid and insightful learnings and actionable recommendations.

We cover a range of research types, both in person and online, including:

  • Brand/category understanding and development.
  • Brand essence, trawling for problems, usage/habits and attitudes, needs, insights, looking for and testing ways forward, innovation ideas, etc.
  • Concept development (first drafts through to final tweaks).
  • Advertising communication (print, TV, radio, outdoor, POS).
  • Packaging/label communication.
    Sensorial and physical product attributes (e.g. fragrance, flavour, texture, consistency, appearance, performance).
  • Store layout and planning.

What we think

We see and learn many things as we are involved in research projects, that are not related to the brand/category in question. Sometimes controversial, sometimes silly, always thought-provoking and interesting!

Who we work with

We are proud to have partnered with a diverse range of local South African companies and multi-nationals, in many different categories. We also work extensively with qualitative research agencies from the UK and US as their South African partner.